Go Funway

Ignite the Spirit of Freedom with Funway Tours!

This Independence Day, embark on a journey through the red, white, and blue tapestry of America with Funway Tours. Experience the birthplace of independence as you walk the cobblestone streets of Philadelphia, feel the echoes of liberty at the historic sites of Boston, and gaze upon the fireworks illuminating the nation’s capital.

Our tours are crafted to immerse you in the patriotic fervor that sweeps the country on this special day. From the stirring sounds of the National Symphony Orchestra on the Capitol lawn to the festive parades that line Main Streets across the USA, each moment is a tribute to the stars and stripes.

Join us as we celebrate the stories, heroes, and ideals that have shaped this great nation. With Funway Tours, you’re not just witnessing history—you’re part of the grand celebration of America’s independence. A Funway Independence Day Tour is a celebration of courage, resilience, and the enduring promise of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  Let freedom ring!